TOXIC WASTE FACE has been envisioned as a vehicle to collectively examine issues of contemporary gender identity and social performance through explorations of the fantastic and the grotesque. By making use of each artist’s unique talents, we aim to produce multi-media work that defies genre.
contact: toxicwasteface@gmail.com
Sharp Shadow. Kunsthall Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway. 17 October, 2019. Performance by Toxic Waste Face (Pseuda, Scam Likely and Jader).
The Feed. Satellite Art Show, Miami, FL. 6–9 December, 2018. Video installation and Performance by Toxic Waste Face (Pseuda, Scam Likely and Jader).
¡Demasiado! A SOMArts Benefits Honoring René Yañez. SOMArts, San Francisco, CA. 14 April, 2018. Performance.
MEGAMALL. Vivvy's Grand Opening - Toxic Waste Face Takeover. The Stud, San Francisco, CA. 14 July, 2017. Performance collaboration with vainhein and Jader.
Untitled. SALTA Dance Collective: Pseudo, Anti and Total Dance. Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA. 25 March, 2016. Performance in collaboration with Tyler Holmes.
Spurmbank. #HoldingOnToSF. Incline Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 26 June, 2015. Video in collaboration with vainhein and Jader.
Gag Order Benefit. B4bel4b Gallery, Oakland, CA. 28 February, 2015. Performance
LVL3 21 May 2020
SFIST 8 May 2020
PAPER 23 May 2019
Financial Times 29 November 2018
Vice 25 October 2018
KQED 18 October 2018
PAPER 03 October 2017
contact: toxicwasteface@gmail.com
Sharp Shadow. Kunsthall Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway. 17 October, 2019. Performance by Toxic Waste Face (Pseuda, Scam Likely and Jader).
The Feed. Satellite Art Show, Miami, FL. 6–9 December, 2018. Video installation and Performance by Toxic Waste Face (Pseuda, Scam Likely and Jader).
¡Demasiado! A SOMArts Benefits Honoring René Yañez. SOMArts, San Francisco, CA. 14 April, 2018. Performance.
MEGAMALL. Vivvy's Grand Opening - Toxic Waste Face Takeover. The Stud, San Francisco, CA. 14 July, 2017. Performance collaboration with vainhein and Jader.
Untitled. SALTA Dance Collective: Pseudo, Anti and Total Dance. Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA. 25 March, 2016. Performance in collaboration with Tyler Holmes.
Spurmbank. #HoldingOnToSF. Incline Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 26 June, 2015. Video in collaboration with vainhein and Jader.
Gag Order Benefit. B4bel4b Gallery, Oakland, CA. 28 February, 2015. Performance
LVL3 21 May 2020
SFIST 8 May 2020
PAPER 23 May 2019
Financial Times 29 November 2018
Vice 25 October 2018
KQED 18 October 2018
PAPER 03 October 2017
Toxic Waste Face. San Francisco, Calif.